Material analysis services
Bryne AB’s material characterization center in Diö has resources to assist you in material related issues. No matter the material used or the production method formed, Bryne can give you solutions for material related issues. In our laboratory we have microscopes, macro cameras, hardness measures together with furnaces and a samples preparation lab with machines, tolls and equipment. Through our partners we can offer you material analysis techniques such as SEM, EDS, chemical analysis trough EDS or OES.
Bryne has the latest equipment for metallurgy analysis. As many as six samples can be prepared in one step in our semiautomatic sample preparation route. Our last polishing step is completed with a grinding media with the size of 50 nm (0,000050 mm). The semi atomized preparation secures reproducible preparation routes with the same surface finish every time, without artefact from the sample preparation. A rigorous sample preparation route is a very important base for the material analysis.
Our material analysis is performed in our inverted material analysis microscope. With a wide range of magnifications, from low magnification (large area scans), to high magnification (high resolution) investigations. With dynamic diffraction contrast image technique (EPI C-DIC) different phases in the material can be distinguished. With the advanced software package, mapping and calculations can be set up for routine measurements with equal setting in every analysis.
Analysis of four example porosity levels in castings can be automated to be done faster and with more precession than ever before.
Let Bryne Sharpen You.
Microscope techniques
Zeiss AX10 MAT inverted microscopy equipped with, diffraction contrast, bright-field or dark-filed with the magnification between 25 to 1000 times. LED-light and high-end 5MB color CCD.
Stereo microscope, U500X from Cooling tech, for observing fracture surfaces etc. Magnification between 50-500 x.
Macro photography with the magnification 1x-5x.
Image processing software (Adobe PhotoShop, Zeiss ZEN)
Samples preparation
Semi atomized mechanical polishing for cross sectional views
Mechanical preparation with band saws, high-speed saw
Manual polishing techniques, hand held or tripod fixture
Epoxy forming equipment for material injection
Heat treatment / melting
Programmable laboratory oven with the temperature range up to 1100°C
Melt furnace (capacity 30 dm3) up to 1400°C
Low temperature oven up to 350°C
Chemical treatment
Chemical etching of metal samples.
Ventilated cabins for corrosive testing and other chemical investigations.
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